
Bachelor of Science in 工业工程

These are the degree requirements to earn a Bachelor of Science in 工业工程.

Students will meet the University General Education criteria (to include PHIL 207, 305, 310, or THEO 311) and include the following:

ENGR 106 Introduction to Engineering Design and Analysis
ENGR 251 Engineering Design Laboratory
ENGR 296 Manufacturing Processes: Fundamental and Computer-Aided
ENGR 303 Strength of Materials

No credit: 工程师201工程服务部, ENGR 301 Engineering Experience, ENGR 401 Engineering Exit Survey.

Mathematics and Basic Science Courses
MATH 191 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I
MATH 192 Calculus and Analytic Geometry II
数学291微积分 and Analytic Geometry III
MATH 300 Modern Probability and 统计数据
数学301统计建模, MATH 320 Ordinary Differential Equations, or MATH 390 Mathematical Programming
PHYS 251 General Physics I: Mechanics 
Minimum of 32 credits in approved credits from ASTR, MATH, CHEM, PHYS, or BIOL.

工业工程 Courses
IE 305 Work System Design and Analysis
IE 319 Operations Research Mathematical Programming
IE 335 Quality Control and Reliability
IE 340 Ergonomics and Occupation Safety
IE 350 Operations Planning, Scheduling, and Control
IE 360 Introduction to Simulation
IE 403 Design Fundamentals for Industrial Engineers
IE 415 System Integration and Design
IE 419 Operations Research Probability Models
IE 490高级设计研讨会
One of the following: ME elective, PHYS 306 or 3 credits of IE 460, or 3 credits of ENGR 320.

The Engineering Seminars (ENGR 201, 301, 401) are required for all engineering majors and should be taken by the time a student has completed approximately 50, 75, 100%, 分别, of the engineering course requirements.



GPA不低于2分.50 must be earned for all semester credits used to satisfy the course requirements shown above, GPA不低于2分.00 in all IE and ENGR  prefix course numbers, 数学 191和192, 或者它们的等价物, must be completed with a grade of C or better. 总平均成绩不低于2分.00 must be earned in the combination of semester credits and attempted transfer credits.

Students attending continuously on a part-time basis are expected to complete the requirements within eight years.



This is the suggested plan of study to graduate in four years with a degree in 工业工程. This plan assumes the student hasn't satisfied three years of foreign language in high school.

Some courses have prerequisites; please view the 在线课程目录 for complete information and course descriptions.

Year One

†数学191微积分I* 4 †数学192微积分II* 4
†CHEM 103/4/5 General Chemistry 4 材料科学 3
ENGR 106 Intro to Engineering Design and Analysis 3 †ENGR 296 Manufacturing Process 3
engl101英语写作 3 沟通 3
IL 101信息素养 1 神学 3
nss101新生研讨会 1    
总学分 16 总学分 16

Year Two

†数学291微积分 III Multi-Variable Calculus 4 数学290线性代数 3
†MATH 300概率 & 统计数据 3 †PHYS 253普通物理II 4
†PHYS 251普通物理 4 †engr220静力学 &  3
†ENGR 251 Engineering Design Lab 3 †ENGR 265工程经济 3
工程师201工程服务部 0 社会科学 3
哲学 3 金149 1
总学分 17 总学分 17

 Year Three

†数学选修 3 †IE 319 Operations Research Mathematical Programming 3
†IE 305 工业工程 Methods 3 †IE 340 Ergonomics and Occupational Safety 3
†IE 335 Quality Control and Reliability 3 †IE 360 Introduction to Simulation 3
†ENGR 303 Strength of Materials 3 †engr302工程动力学 3
外语101 3 外语102 3
创意艺术课程 3 的活动 1
总学分 18 总学分 16

Year Four

†IE 403 Design Fundamentals for 工业工程 3 __我选修 3
†IE 415 System Integration and Design 3 †IE 490高级设计研讨会 3
†IE 350 Operations Planning Scheduling and Control 3 工程师301参与 0
†IE 419 Operations Research Probability Models 3 离场调查 0
Humanities (Historical/Cultural) 3 菲尔/西奥300 + 3
PHIL 207/305伦理 3 人文学科(文学/电影) 3
总学分 18 总学分 12


#Must be taken at SAU to satisfy writing intensive
*Must receive a grade of C or better
†检查 在线课程目录 为先决条件

Dual Degrees: Mechanical and 工业工程

Students interested in designing to fit humans into mechanical systems may consider the dual degree option.

This five-year program will result in Bachelor of Science degrees in Industrial and Mechanical Engineering.

ENGR 106 Introduction to Engineering Design and Analysis
工程师201工程服务部, 0 credit
WI-ENGR 251 Engineering Design Laboratory
ENGR 296 Manufacturing Processes: Fundamental and Computer-Aided
ENGR 301 Engineering Participation, 0 credits
ENGR 303 Strength of Materials
ENGR 401 Engineering Exit Survey, 0 credits

IE 305 Work System Design and Analysis
IE 319 Operations Research Mathematical Programming
IE 335 Quality Control and Reliability
IE 340 Ergonomics and Occupational Safety
IE 350 Operations Planning, Scheduling and Control
IE 360 Introduction to Simulation
IE 403 Design Fundamentals for Industrial Engineers
IE 415 System Integration and Design
IE 419 Operations Research Probability Models
WI-IE 490高级设计研讨会

ME 310 Engineering Measurements and Instrumentation
ME 312热力学
ME 315流体力学
ME 350机器设计
ME 351 Mechanical Engineering Design Laboratory

+数学191和192微积分 & Analytic Geometry I and II, 4 credits each
MATH 290 Elementary Linear Algebra
数学291微积分 & Analytic Geometry III, 4 credits
MATH 300 Modern Probability and 统计数据
MATH 320 Ordinary Differential Equations

+PHYS 251 General Physics I: Mechanics, 4 credits
物理253普通物理 II: Electricity, Magnetism, and Optics, 4 credits

化学: (选择一个)
+CHEM 103 Principles of Chemistry, 4 credits
+CHEM 104 Chemistry for Engineering Students, 4 credits
+CHEM 105 General Chemistry I, 4 credits

道德: (选择一个)
+PHIL 207伦理
+PHIL 305商业道德
+PHIL 310生物医学伦理学
+THEO 311环境伦理

+ = satisfies a general education requirement

Read course descriptions for Mechanical Engineering

Read course descriptions for 工业工程


Michael Opar博士

Engineering and Physics Department
518 W. 蝗虫圣.
达文波特,IA 52803


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